Sunday, July 26, 2009

Map of India at the time of Ramayana

Map at the time of Ramayana, that's around 7570 years ago.

उस समय भारत के अलग अलग जगह अन्य अन्य नामों से जाने जाते थे। वस्तुतः "भारत" नाम नया है। हमलोग हजारों हजारों साल से इस ज़मीन पर रह रहे हैं। उस समय अलग अलग साम्राज्य हुआ करते थे। सिर्फ़ येही बात दिमाग में रखिये। भारत एक प्राचीन देश है। आज सिकुड़ गया है, लेकिन इसे और सिकुड़ने न दें। मैं सौभाग्यशाली हूँ कि मेरा जन्म इस पुण्यभूमि में हुआ है।

Countering Atrocities against Hindus

If you are a Hindu and you are in Bangladesh, there is a serious possibility that you are in trouble.

Like all Muslim countries, Hindus are severely persecuted in Bangladesh.

I came across this site by a Bangladeshi Hindu, named which highlights the atrocities that are being committed against Hindus in Bangladesh. Kudos to this person who is running this site.

Have you seen when a Muslim dies even in a small village? By the sheer number of other Muslims that turn up, you will be surprised. Many a times I found myself thinking, "I never knew so many Muslims exist in this area!" They turn up in such huge numbers. ----------------------- (1)

Have you seen them offering namaz? Better still, in Id? You couldn't have missed that. Have you seen that they evenly spread out everywhere for that time, on roads, on roofs everywhere, to offer the namaz. You will wonder, "So many of them everywhere!" ----------------------- (2)

(1) and (2) has a common factor which you cannot miss. Unity. Let me write it in caps.


That is what is needed. Irrespective of anything, again, let me write it in caps, ANYTHING, all Hindus must unite. Anything includes social status, financial status, caste, sex, absolutely anything. This is more required in any other country than India. When another Hindu is in trouble, JUST UNITE. Do not think about anything. Keep in mind, the person who is in trouble could have been you, or anyone close to you. Just gather everyone you can and do whatever you can.

Muslims are generally very clever. They always don't resort to violence. When required they employ other means of exerting pressure, like psychological warfare, propaganda etc. Hindus are better than them. There is no doubt about it. I have solid reasons for telling this. I will tell you more about it at the end of the article. For now, just keep in mind that Hindus are better as human beings. Find ways to safeguard your interests in a country where Hindus are a minority. "Unity" will go a long way in helping you to do this.

Having said that, there are other things which must be done.

You must have heard the age old मुहावरा which goes like this: जल में रहकर मगर से बैर। You cannot have bad relationship with the crocodile when you are living in water.

Try to forge good working relationship with the locals everywhere. Which I think people are already doing.

Second is, make sure that in that sweetness, your identity, culture, language or religion is not getting degraded. Like, hearing the local speak bad version of Hindi don't start imitating them or allow your children to imitate them. There cannot be anything more pathetic than that, to insult a language. Maintain your high cultural standards. Maintain good working relationship too. Chances are there that although they will be jealous of you, they won't be able to do anything about it.

Islam asks it's followers to proselytize. That's a major part of the problem with Islam. Hindus don't try to convert others. A Hindu who is spiritual, who know the holy scriptures, will try to find solace and do sadhana for attaining self-realisation. Or simply medidate in a quiet place. A muslim who is spiritual, what does he do? What are we seeing a maulvi or a mulla doing? You also know it. So I feel immensely proud that I am a Hindu. मैं गर्व से कहता हूँ की मैं हिंदू हूँ।

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Gandhi's Philosophy of Non-violence

Gandhi preached non-violence. Well, nothing wrong in that. But think about it again. Did he actually preached non-violence? No!!! Surprise surprise. If you scratch his half-baked philosophy you will see something else.

Gandhi famously said, if someone slaps you on one cheek you should offer the other cheek also. Let me tell you this, there is no bravery in that. It's practically stupid to do that, and pretty cowardice. According to his idea of non-violence, no matter what the other person does to you, slap, kick, beat, kill, you should not flinch, digest all the beatings and die if it comes to that. By doing this, aren't you being violent to yourself?

By letting someone torment you physically, aren't you being violent to your own self? If the answer is yes, where is the principal of non-violence then?

A friend of mine told a good thing the other day which I agree with too. Gandhi was no philosopher or a great human being. He was just a politician. A plain, simple, scheming, manipulating politician.

He was no architect of our freedom. Our freedom was obtained with the blood, sweat and life of many people. People should see through the overhyped image of Gandhi and know that his idea of non-violence had a fundamental and serious flaw in it.

What Nathuram Godse did was wrong. One, because he murdered a person. No matter how he wants to call the act, it's plain murder and it cannot be supported. Two, why ruin his karma by killing a person? As G. B. Shaw says, "Murder is the extreme form of censorship". Nathuram saw through the designs of Gandhi and didn't approve of it. He expressed his disapproval by shooting Gandhi. But who gained by that? Gandhi became a martyr in eyes of congressis, which they want the nation to believe. Nathuram Godse became a "mad man" which is how he is described in school books. Gandhi is further glorified by circulating the story that he said "Hey Ram" thrice before he died. It's a story because it's not true. It can't be true because at his age and at his state of health, when you receive 3 bullets on your chest at point blank range you don't get the time to say "Hey Ram". According to Nathuram Godse also, he fell down with a "aah" like sound. In any case, Nathuram Godse spoilt his own life by doing such an act. I feel bad for him.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Pakistan's Nuclear Program

A beautifully made video. Just watch you if you haven't already. Enjoy...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

NDTV Sold Out

NDTV has sold out to the church. Today, I saw this NDTV feature on cloning. Sample this. It calls different experts on this subject. And they also call a Reverend to deal with the religious aspect of cloning.

They didn't think that Hindu opinion matters. This is what it has come to. I feel ashamed that such media exists in this country.

The Shame of being Barkha Dutt

I liked Barkha Dutt. I thought she was a good journalist. That is until recently. When terrorists stuck Mumbai I stayed glued to TV to find out how we are fighting back. And at that time, time and again, I saw Barkha Dutt reducing herself to a pitiable sham of a journalist, to put it mildly.

Sample these.

She tells, standing in front of the camera, that Sabina Saikia, a journalist with the Times Group, is in the 6th Floor of the Taj Hotel. Next thing we know is that she dies at the hands of the terrorists.

Then, flushing her sense of shame down the toilet, she interviews Shantanu Saikia, Sabina's husband, and here is her question, "What have you been telling your kids about their mother?" Shantanu broke down hearing this question, and Barkha continued, "I hope we haven't upset you with these questions."

Barkha goes to the people standing for their loved ones trapped inside and asks, "What do you feel right now?" and I was like, "What do you expect them to feel?"

Barkha Dutt is shamelessness, stupidity, immorality personified. The only thing she knows is gloating in her imagined-sense-of-aura-called-barkha thing. I hate her and NDTV since that time.

One Mr. Kunte, unable to see all these, wrote an article about her irresponsible journalism, aptly and mildly titled, "Shoddy Journalism". In his article Kunte exposed Barkha completely. Barkha got really angry reading it and used all her borrowed might (of NDTV) to sue Kunte. Now, Kunte is a wise man. He knows that his job is done and in any case there is not much point in trying to match the dog in barking. He promptly issued an apology in which much to the delight of many readers he made the same points which he had made in the original article. Barkha again got doubly angry but couldn't have done much. So she did what she does best. Churned up some crap which she tried to sell under the garb of journalism.

She hosted this talk show to debate whether or not (hold your breath, don't laugh) blogs should be regulated. I had a good laugh watching it. Here it is if you haven't seen it yet.

Slumdog Millionaire - Danny Boyle's joke on India

(and the title was to put it mildly. the original title was much closer to truth)

Did you watch this movie? I didn't. I started watching the movie. But as the frames started progressing I was thinking, "What is this? What is so great about this movie?" Then after some time I had to ask something to myself which I was avoiding, "Who made this movie? Who made this perverted movie?" I couldn't see the movie after the first 30 minutes. It was simply disgusting.

Coming to think of it, Anil Kapoor is one of those ah*les who actually acted in that movie and then lobbied for it. When the movie got oscar, Kapoor acted as if he got an oscar. Deep inside his heart, he actually hoped that he will get an oscar for his performance.

Anil Kapoor was just a scavenger. He helped Danny kill the image of his own mother and the hoped that he will get to eat some tasty flesh off it. But alas, it didn't happen.

But not all went empty handed. Rehman got his bit of flesh. Smug as he is, he must be thinking, "These Hindus are laughable. Fucking ah*les. Here is a movie which spits on their country. I gave my crappy music to it, and I win oscars for it, and the whole country is happy about it."

It's indeed laughable. Don't we have a brain of our own? Can't we think? Can't we make out the crappiness of a thing when we see it? Apparently that bast*rd, Boyle, is planning a thriller on Mumbai's night life.

You see such works and you know the exact people who doesn't hesitate to spit on their own mother. Kapoor is one of them. Irfan acted in it, but had the good sense not to lobby for it. Some lady was the co-director of this movie. All shitty people, like the shitty story, and the director who is full of it.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Temples demolished? Who? Where?

"Who said temples were demolished?", "What are you talking about?" is something a Congressi will ask you. A communist will go as far as to say, "Muslim rulers were like that wonly, what else do you expect from them? Why make a hue and cry about that?" In fact Irfan Habib actually says this. According to him, Indians were at fault in keeping the gold and other valuables in the temples. What the innocent Muslim king will do? He will have no way other than to loot all the valuables, insult the deity, order to build a mosque on that spot.

So any or all of these traits is called "Denial of History" or "Negationism".

Did you know that millions of Hindus were slaughtered in the region of today's Kandahar and Tashkent? Muslim invaders and rulers ordered killing of Hindus as easily as they would order their evening sherbet?

Let me also tell you this. We the Hindus do not have any voice. We are dumb and basically of no good. I will tell you why. I read reports of Archeological Society Of India and the Congress Government saying that Ramayana is not history, it's just a story and that Ram was a fictitious character. They actually declared that Ramayana was a figment of mind. What happened next, out of pity they re-tracted the lines. But what did we do? Virtually nothing!! Isn't that disappointing?

I will not do the reading for you. I will say things here and it will be upon you to verify. You find your own references. I will not do that for you.

Ramayana happened. Right on this land where we live. There was a time when Ram walked on this earth, as did Ravana, Hanuman, Lakshman, Sita, Bharat, Taksh, Guru Vashishth, Vishwamitra and all. It is as true as the day and night.

Once we have clearly enconsed it in our minds, let's see a few other interesting things.

Ram's brother, Bharat married Mandavi, who is Sita's sister. They had 2 sons, Taksha and Pushkala. So, Taksha and Pushkal were cousins of Lava and Kusha. Also, Yuddhajeet was Ram's maternal uncle or Mama as we say.

What I am going to say now in the next few lines can be found in the Uttarkaand of the Valmiki Ramayan.

There were 2 beautiful regions on both sides of the Sindhu river. Yuddhajeet sent Gaargya to meet Ram with a message saying that he wants Ram to conquer that land and merge it with his own.

Ram liked the idea and said that the sons of Bharat, Taksh and Pushkal, along with their father leading them, will conquer the land and establish the twin cities there under the protection of their maternal uncle Yuddhjeet.

This region was near the Kingdom of Kekeya (modern day Pakistan). Yuddhjeet was king of Kekeya. Yuddhjeet was brother of Kaikeyi.

After travelling for around one and half months they reached Kekeya. The region they were set to conquer were ruled by the Gandharvas. In a battle which continued for little over seven days and nights, Bharat and his sons killed all the Gandharvas. Then Bharat founded the two properous cities of Takshshila and Pushkalavati. Takshshila was in Gandharva Desa and Pushkalavati in Gandhara Desa. Gandharva and Gandhara were the two regions on both sides of the river Sindhu. After 5 years of establishing the kingdoms Bharat returned to Ayodhya.

Takshshila is the modern day Taxila. Today Taxila is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Pushkalavati is in NWFP of Pakistan. It is now known as Charsadda.

So we, the Hindus, ruled lands far beyond today's political map, encompassing the areas of today's Pakistan and Afghanistan. A question comes to my mind. What were the events that caused these Kingdoms to be replaced by Muslim rule?

Show me a history book which says about these events and aspect of Indian History. I didn't find it anywhere, not at least in the books used in schools. Don't you think the children should know about our past?

I'm sure the invaders either killed or converted the Hindus that they could lay their hands on. Many fled from these region to escape persecution by the Muslim invaders.

This is just one example to show how Muslims have plundered and encroached on our land. Heard about something called PoK? That's another encroachment.

Think of those times when these kingdoms were uprooted and slowly the entire population (of Hindus, mind it) were killed ruthlessly or converted to Islam.

We must know our past. Read and find out.