Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire - Danny Boyle's joke on India

(and the title was to put it mildly. the original title was much closer to truth)

Did you watch this movie? I didn't. I started watching the movie. But as the frames started progressing I was thinking, "What is this? What is so great about this movie?" Then after some time I had to ask something to myself which I was avoiding, "Who made this movie? Who made this perverted movie?" I couldn't see the movie after the first 30 minutes. It was simply disgusting.

Coming to think of it, Anil Kapoor is one of those ah*les who actually acted in that movie and then lobbied for it. When the movie got oscar, Kapoor acted as if he got an oscar. Deep inside his heart, he actually hoped that he will get an oscar for his performance.

Anil Kapoor was just a scavenger. He helped Danny kill the image of his own mother and the hoped that he will get to eat some tasty flesh off it. But alas, it didn't happen.

But not all went empty handed. Rehman got his bit of flesh. Smug as he is, he must be thinking, "These Hindus are laughable. Fucking ah*les. Here is a movie which spits on their country. I gave my crappy music to it, and I win oscars for it, and the whole country is happy about it."

It's indeed laughable. Don't we have a brain of our own? Can't we think? Can't we make out the crappiness of a thing when we see it? Apparently that bast*rd, Boyle, is planning a thriller on Mumbai's night life.

You see such works and you know the exact people who doesn't hesitate to spit on their own mother. Kapoor is one of them. Irfan acted in it, but had the good sense not to lobby for it. Some lady was the co-director of this movie. All shitty people, like the shitty story, and the director who is full of it.

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